Monday, February 7, 2011

A quick update of ongoing undergraduate research

It was a busy fall semester, although the lack updates here may make it seem as though nothing was going on with the project. On the contrary, progress continues with both the manuscripts and the papyri. At Furman University, undergraduate researchers continue making XML editions of the papyri. One of the 2010 summer interns at the College of the Holy Cross continues his work mapping, inventorying, and transcribing the text and scholia from the Venetus A. Other students are working on editing the Iliad text of A so that we have an electronic version of exactly what text that manuscript has (no more rooting around in apparatuses of modern editions!).

We acquired high-resolution and (in the case of E3) multispectral photographs of two more manuscripts of the Iliad in July 2010 (for more detail, see these two posts from last summer), and students at Holy Cross are indexing the photographs of the manuscript we affectionately call E3 (after Allen) according to what lines of the Iliad appear on each one, while students Furman are doing the same for E4. My colleague, Neel Smith, has been able to get students in their first-year of Greek involved in this project, and allowing students at the introductory level of the language to do research with primary sources has been phenomenal. We are just beginning to get a good idea of what these two manuscripts contain, and we will start posting small, initial findings as we get to know them better.

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